Why ethnic issues are not popular among Iranian/Persian?

The Turks, Kurds, Arabs, Baluches, Turkmens, Lors issues are not popular subjects, in Iranian/Persian community.
Because since the establishment of Pahlavi dynasty [in 1925, after the fall of the Qajar dynasty] non-Persians have been treated as second-class citizens and there have always been a lack of political and individual rights for them. There is deep and wide racism against non-Persian ethnic groups. They are subjected to racism and discrimination by not only the Iranian government but also by the Persian society.
So it's not surprising Persian media doesn't cover the issue, and if they do they represent the government's point of view.
In August 2010, the UN anti-racism panel called on Iran to counter racism and ethnic discrimination, including incitement to hatred by officials and "double discrimination suffered by women from minorities.
The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination expressed concern at the exclusion of Arab, Azeri, Balochi, Kurdish and Bahai communities in areas such as housing, education, health, jobs and "from public life".