Elahe Shokrollahi: The Situation of Azerbaijani Women is Very Difficult

Ensafali Hedayat, Voice of America, November 27, 2012

Elahe Shokrollahi

In an interview with Voice of America, Elahe Shokrollahi from Tabriz discusses the numerous problems faced by women in Iranian Azerbaijan.

According to Elahe, the international sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic have significantly worsened the country's economic situation, resulting in rising prices. It has become very difficult for women to support their families. The prices of most goods, from bread to clothing, have nearly doubled in the past year.

Elahe also notes that unemployment is a major issue in Iranian Azerbaijan. She says it is very hard for women to find work. Single or divorced women, in particular, face additional pressures in the workplace. Men who know that these women are alone often try to sexually exploit them.

There was a time when girls in Iranian Azerbaijan had some choice in getting married. However, economic difficulties have restricted their life and career opportunities. In the current situation, most women are forced to make choices they do not desire in order to secure financial support.

Link to the original interview in Turkish on the Azerbaijani section of Voice of America:
İlahə Şükrüllahi: Azərbaycanlı qadınların durumu çox ağırdır