Mehsa Mehdili: Only Activists in Iranian Azerbaijan Willing to Pay the Price Should Decide on Street Protests

 Alirza Quluncu, Voice of America, September 13, 2023

Mehsa Mehdili

Political analyst Mehsa Mehdili discussed the conditions and methods of the activities of national movement forces in Iranian Azerbaijan as well as abroad in an interview with Voice of America.

She highlighted that while there are broad opportunities for activity outside the country, national activists have not been particularly successful in utilizing these areas.

In recent weeks, calls for protests over Lake Urmia in Iranian Azerbaijan by some political organizations operating abroad have led to serious disputes among forces belonging to the national movement.

Mehdili states that the decision to take to the streets and hold a protest in Iranian Azerbaijan should be made by those who are ready to pay the price for it.

"There is a more favorable environment abroad for activities that are not possible due to internal pressures. Compared to the situation in Iran, for example, we have more freedom outside the country to access the internet, conduct some activities via the internet, engage in media activities, and publish journalism. This is because the Iranian regime cannot control these activities abroad. The internal problems and the price to be paid for them do not exist outside. For example, in Turkey, if you want to publish a book about South Azerbaijan, no one will stop you. You can carry out your activities, publish your book, or do the same anywhere else in the world. The space for activity abroad is very wide and can be very beneficial," says the political activist.

She emphasizes that national activists in Iranian Azerbaijan carry out their work despite severe pressures and the price they have to pay:

"In South Azerbaijan, activists work in universities, homes, and when necessary, in protests, in the streets, in stadiums, as well as in their own gatherings. They do everything they can. They are willing to pay the price for their actions."

According to the political analyst, "The battlefield and the place where the price is paid is, in essence, inside the country. It is very difficult to carry out activities inside. That’s why our activists take both bolder and more calculated steps. Because at any moment, the door could be knocked on. Their work could be taken from them at any time. They and their families could be threatened. They could be called to court at any moment. They are constantly facing danger."

"I cannot make a decision here about what should be done inside the country—whether to take to the streets or not. I do not see it as principled to make such decisions. Because I will not pay the price for taking to the streets. Those who are willing to pay the price should make that decision. I have the right to make decisions only about work that I can bear the burden of. I will decide on the work I am directly involved in... A national activist abroad can express their opinion on the situation in Iran, the drying up of Lake Urmia, the language issue, or the injustices in South Azerbaijan. They can write a book, publish articles, engage in human rights activities. But this does not mean they should decide what those inside should or should not do. There is so much space abroad, we should focus on it. In fact, we have worked weakly in this regard," Mehsa Mehdili added.

Link to the original interview in Turkish on the Azerbaijani section of Voice of America:
Məhsa Mehdili: İran Azərbaycanında küçəyə çıxmanın qərarını onun bədəlini ödəyən fəallar verməlidir