24 Human Rights Groups Demand Release of Turkish Activists in Iran

  Alirza Quluncu, Voice of America, October 18, 2024

24 human rights organizations have issued a joint statement expressing concern over the situation of Turkish activists, including Murtaza Pervin, Abdulaziz Azimi Qadim, Hussein Piri, Kerem Merdane, Bagir Hacizada, Said Jamalzadeh, and Ayaz Seyfxah, who have been held in Tehran’s Evin prison since February of this year.

The organizations, mostly based in Europe and North America and focusing on human rights in Iran, have highlighted that the detained activists have been deprived of their legal rights during detention, interrogated without legal counsel, and denied necessary medical care.

In early February 2024, around 30 political activists from Iranian Azerbaijan, as well as from Gilan, Alborz, and Tehran provinces, were arrested by security forces. Many of the activists detained in these cities were later temporarily released on civilian guarantees, but the arrests of some, including the activists named in the statement, are still ongoing. Recently, sentences have been issued for six of them.

A statement signed by human rights organizations from Iran’s Turkish, Baluchi, Arab, Kurdish, and Turkmen communities has called for the unconditional release of the detained activists and the protection of their legal rights.

The human rights organizations also called on the international community to pay attention to the human rights violations in Iran.

Link to the original text in Turkish on the Azerbaijani section of Voice of America:
24 hüquq müdafiə qurumu Tehran həbsxanasında saxlanılan türk fəalların azadlığını tələb edib